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The Moorings Base Tortola

How to Leave the Dock Safely

In partnership with our friends from Yachting World, The Moorings is pleased to bring you the first “Tricks of the Tradewinds” post that will be part of an ongoing series featured on The Mainsheet Blog. The purpose of the blog series is to provide fellow seafaring enthusiasts with top-notch sailing tips and techniques from seasoned experts they can trust.

The first tip we want to share is based on the instructional video below, which features a Moorings 4800 and highlights the proper way for a catamaran to leave the dock.

Multihull guru Nigel Irens makes handling look easy with his undocking demonstration, and certainly the catamaran’s twin engines can be helpful with maneuvering. Just in case you’re not quite as comfortable and skilled from the helm of a cat as Nigel, here are some key things to keep in mind the next time you depart the dock:

And, if you need to spring off a dock some additional tips are helpful to keep in mind:

Be patient. Docking well takes some practice. Most importantly, to avoid injuries, make sure that fenders are the only things that ever come between the boat and the dock.

What about you? Do you have any tips and advice for leaving the dock? Leave them in the comments below!


Leslie Montenegro

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